Nyedis Anarchy Series

Insight from former NSA Analyst Jon DiMaggio

Episode Summary

Jon DiMaggio has a very interesting history serving as an analyst with the U.S. National Security Agency, and was recently featured on 60 Minutes discussing foreign hackers. He is the author of "The Art of Cyberwarfare," and current Chief Security Strategist at Analyst1. This interview offers some great insight into hacking, national security, and more. Learn more about Analyst1 by visiting https://analyst1.com/ & pick up Jon's book here: https://www.amazon.com/Art-Cyberwarfare-Investigators-Ransomware-Cybercrime/dp/1718502141/ For full video of this episode, head over to our Youtube channel at http://youtube.com/@nyedisiam Be sure to subscribe to the show on all podcast platforms and follow us on all social media @Nyedisiam

Episode Notes

Jon DiMaggio has a very interesting history serving as an analyst with the U.S. National Security Agency, and was recently featured on 60 Minutes discussing foreign hackers. He is the author of "The Art of Cyberwarfare," and current Chief Security Strategist at Analyst1. This interview offers some great insight into hacking, national security, and more.  


Learn more about Analyst1 by visiting https://analyst1.com/ & pick up Jon's book here: https://www.amazon.com/Art-Cyberwarfare-Investigators-Ransomware-Cybercrime/dp/1718502141/


For full video of this episode, head over to our Youtube channel at http://youtube.com/@nyedisiam


Be sure to subscribe to the show on all podcast platforms and follow us on all social media @Nyedisiam